KCFC 2023



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KCFC 2023

Call for Papers and Presentations

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The KCFC 2023

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Extended Deadline for paper submissions: October 10, 2023
KCFC is a multi-track cybersecurity event held annually and is currently soliciting papers offering novel contributions in any aspect of applied cybersecurity and digital forensics research. This year, KCFC will be held in Louisville, KY, offering an ideal venue to network with government, industry, and academia, including agencies such as the NSA and NCAE. Unpublished papers of up to 12 pages (TNR 10-point font, single-spaced, 2-column format) in a PDF file with ACM format are now being solicited. We encourage papers with results that are demonstrably useful for improving cybersecurity and that address lessons learned from practical applications.
Topics: Papers in or related to the following areas are currently being solicited:

  • " Cybersecurity Trends, Standards and Guidelines
  • Emerging Needs for Cybersecurity Curriculum Design
  • Identity Management, Access Control, Assurance, Audit
  • Anonymity, Privacy and Data Integrity
  • AI, Big Data, Data Mining for Security
  • Cloud, Fog, Edge and Virtualization Security
  • Cyber-Physical, Embedded Systems, and IoT Security
  • Denial-of-Service Attacks, IDC, IPS and Defenses
  • Digital Forensics and Cyber Engineering
  • Distributed Systems Security
  • Risk Assessment, Enterprise Security Management and Incident Response
  • Hardware and Supply Chain Security
  • Tools, Machine Learning and Cyber-attack Hunting
  • Social Engineering and Malware
  • Network, Mobile/Wireless Security

Important Dates

Deadline for paper submissions: October 10, 2023
Status notification-acceptance as a conference paper: October 20, 2023
Status notification-acceptance as a journal publication: TBD
Conference Executive Committee
Program Chair: Dr. Adel Elmaghraby, University of Louisville (UoL)
Program Co-Chair: Dr. Michael Losavio, University of Louisville (UoL)
All submissions will be refereed and should be sent to: adel.elmaghraby@louisville.edu with "KCFC 2023" as the subject of the email.
