Speed Up  is a summer program to encourage and assist Speed School students into taking their ideas into a product with a business proposition at a level that attracts investors. It is a 10-week program free for all UofL students provided the team leader is a Speed Student. The program will take place from mid- may through mid-July 2015.

Students with ideas and those searching to join teams will be invited at a "Team Up" event late April. During this event ideas will be presented followed by a networking period and a panel selection of teams to be admitted. For this inaugural year, we plan on accepting 6-8 teams with 2-5 persons each. The program is free and open to all Speed students as team leaders. Team membership is open to all UofL students.

Teams will be assigned appropriate mentors and should commit to attend a weekly event with structure presentations and informal mentoring and discussions.

The target for each team is to complete a Minimum Viable Product (MVP), a Mini-business plan and a preliminary marketing pitch and customer potential. At the culmination of the program, teams will present their product and compete for awards and for attention of investors. Every team that completes the program objectives will be eligible for $1,000 to help with their expenses.

If you are interested in gaining entrepreneurial knowledge without joining a team you are welcome to register as an attendee. Those who attend seven sessions will be eligible to request a ceritificate of attendance. All are welcome !!

For registering or additional information contact us at speedup at louisville.edu
Send us your team member names, your tentative idea description and any special needs to help us plan on mentors and support.